Lifevesting Process
Consider how many pieces make up your financial situation. Similar to a puzzle, financial decisions must fit together to successfully complete the big picture. Any process you employ must be comprehensive in scope, with interdependent components. In other words, Holistic.
Holistic wealth management is more than planning and reporting, it’s how we help our clients manage their daily lives. Of course, Goodson Wealth Management employs strategies to build wealth. Yet, we go deeper to manage expenses, protect families, lifestyles and assets, plan income for now and in retirement, and prepare to pass wealth on to the next generation. We call that level of service Lifevesting. It’s our comprehensive approach incorporating financial planning, taxes and cash flow, insurance needs, banking needs, retirement planning and estate planning.
At Goodson Wealth Management we have the expertise and necessary resources to provide true holistic wealth management. To do so, we have partnered with Eudaimonia Group, a leading wealth management ecosystem that leverages human expertise and financial technology resources to enhance the lives of every advisor and client.